What Is a Linear Actuator?
Comments Off on What Is a Linear Actuator?To differentiate between linear or rotary actuators, consider their motion profile. In the case of linear actuators, they generate push or pull movement along a straight line through rotary motion. Different types of linear actuators utilize energy sources such as electricity, pressurized hydraulic fluid, and compressed air or gas to power the motor that creates […]
Tags: Linear Actuators

Ball Screw Actuators vs. Roller Screw Actuators
Comments Off on Ball Screw Actuators vs. Roller Screw ActuatorsActuators are mechanical devices that convert energy into motion. These components are incorporated into a wide variety of products, from industrial equipment to household electronics. The energy source of an actuator can be electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic power. High-quality, heavy-duty actuators are critical for industrial operations, where they are responsible for facilitating linear and rotary […]

Hydraulic vs. Pneumatic vs. Electric Actuators
Comments Off on Hydraulic vs. Pneumatic vs. Electric ActuatorsActuators are mechanical devices that use energy to generate motion. Manual or automatic control commands initiate change in physical systems, creating motion to perform a task. Actuators allow machines to lift, block, clamp, eject and more. Depending on the type of energy source used to produce motion, three main types of actuators are available: […]
Tags: Electric Actuators, Hydraulic Actuators, Pneumatic Actuators

What Is a Servo Actuator?
Comments Off on What Is a Servo Actuator?Actuators are designed to convert energy from different sources, such as electric currents, pneumatic pressure, or hydraulic fluid pressure, into motion. There are three main types of actuators: pneumatic actuators, hydraulic actuators, and servo actuators. Servo actuators use feedback signals to move or control mechanical systems in a highly efficient and safe manner. This is […]

Why Use Air Over Oil Cylinders?
Comments Off on Why Use Air Over Oil Cylinders?Air over oil cylinders are pneumatic cylinders designed to produce greater force than standard pneumatic cylinders of the same bore size. They incorporate both oil and air within the mechanism, creating a hybrid pneumatic-hydraulic cylinder that intensifies the amount of force generated by compressed air input. HyperCyl takes the innovative design of hybrid air over […]
Tags: Air Over Oil Cylinders

A Guide to Pneumatic Cylinder Installation
Comments Off on A Guide to Pneumatic Cylinder InstallationPneumatic cylinders are mechanical components that provide linear force to various devices and systems. They generate the force by applying compressed air to one side of a sealed barrel and exhausting it from the other side. This action causes the piston/rod assembly contained inside to extend or retract. It is important to install pneumatic cylinders […]

The Different Types of Industrial Press Systems
Comments Off on The Different Types of Industrial Press SystemsAn industrial press — more commonly called a machine press — can perform a broad range of tasks that require the application of pressure to form and shape metal. In addition to forming, industrial presses can accommodate tooling for cutting, assembly, and more. Presses are available in many different sizes and may use various energy […]

Everything You Need to Know About Hydra-Pneumatic Cylinders
Comments Off on Everything You Need to Know About Hydra-Pneumatic CylindersHydra-pneumatic cylinders—commonly referred to in the industry as hydro-pneumatic cylinders, air-over-oil cylinders, or intensifier cylinders—are pneumatically controlled cylinders engineered to generate higher hydraulic pressures to achieve a greater stroke force than can be attained by solely pneumatic cylinders of the same bore size. For example, a 5-inch bore pneumatic cylinder can output less than 1 […]